Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dinner at Pensionat Styrsö Skäret

Saturday night we had dinner at Pensionat Styrsö Skäret, a local hotel with the only "fine dining" on the island. We took the ferry directly from Gothenburg to a nearby stop and after a short walk (short relative to most of our other walks) we arrived.

As you can see, the dining room is very nice. We did not have a reservation, so we ended up eating on the terrace. It was nice outside, so we were just as happy there. There was some rain, but they had an awning covering us.
Here is the menu in English. Roxanne had the "Witch", which was a fish dish, and Mike had the "Sirloin".
Here is Roxanne's dinner, before.
Here is Mike's dinner. It was delicious!
Here is Roxanne's dinner, after. I think she liked it.
It started to get a little cooler. They had these blankets for those sitting outside. We had some chocolate truffles for dessert, but they did not live up to the rest of the meal. After dinner we walked back to the house, about 1.5 miles away. Our feet are holding up well, although our legs are getting a little sore. After this trip we should be in good walking shape.


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